Sunday, August 8, 2010

WOW 2010 Scholarship Winners!

Message from Karen Young, WOW (Women of Wai`anae) president:

I'm pleased to announce the WOW 2010 scholarship winners:
Grandwinner 2010: Florence Eli-Adams, pursuing a degree in Education
Grandwinner 2010: Errol Kia`i Lee, pursuing a degree in Liberal Ars, and Social Work
Runner up 2010: Destiny Keliikoa, pursuing a Teaching Degree
Runner up 2010: Nicole Kila, pursuing a degree in Health Administration
Runner up 2010: Shawn Clarene Kalawa, pursuing a degree in Early Education.

The Women of Wai'anae is a small group of women who have yard sales and tea parties throughout the year to produce scholarships for Wai'anae residents who have gone back to college or in a job training program. We thank all of you who helped in as donors, customers, and helpers. A big congratulations to our winners! We wish them every success!

Women of Wai`anae (WOW) Yard Sale
When: Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 11 & 12, 8am-2pm
Where: Corner of Ala Poko St. and Pokai Bay St. (Wai`anae, across Hannara's Restaurant)
Why: To raise funds for scholarships for Wai`anae Coast residents
Yard sale donations sought; if you are interested in helping, email or call 696-4677.